Waltzing Along

Two steps forward and one step backward just about sums up how this project is going. 

It is taking about 15 minutes to knit the 40 stitches of each round. That means I've been getting four rows (just about 3/8") finished per episode of season 6 of Longmire. That's not exactly scooting along. In addition, last week I had to rip back two inches of work because the gauge had changed, and then on Friday I had to rip back another five rows because I had dropped a stitch and hadn't noticed. HOW did I not notice!?

At any rate, as of Saturday, I'm done with the most difficult bit. The flowers at the bottom and I have no idea about how they will block out.
The letters are going more smoothly, especially since there are only three colors to manage. I'm brainstorming how to make adjustments if necessary. I'm also concerned about the length. I only need about 8.5 inches of the spine, but I'm already at 5.5. Maybe during blocking the hight will shrink when I stretch the width.
At this point there is no turning back. I must persist!


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